InMIT Open LearningbyMIT Open LearningHow the brain responds to reward is linked to socioeconomic backgroundAn MIT study finds the brains of children who grow up in less affluent households are less responsive to rewarding experiences.Feb 8, 20249Feb 8, 20249
InOrthogonal Research and Education LabbyAgrover112Identify Toxic Academic WorkplacesSave yourself by identifying these red flags.Sep 8, 2023Sep 8, 2023
InUX CollectivebyAydeen (Hossein) RaspberryA guide to statistics in UX: When qualitative research isn’t enoughQualitative methods aren’t always the right methods. Sometimes we need to step back and take a different perspective to understand the…Apr 11, 20223Apr 11, 20223
Agrover112Free TOEFL Guide to score above 100Boredom proof, effortless guide to score 100+ on TOEFLSep 7, 2022Sep 7, 2022
Agrover112Mastering Letter of Recommendation Requests: Proven Tips and TechniquesUse this technique to receive Reccomendations without hassle.May 27, 2023May 27, 2023